THE HISTORY OF ‘Anglo-Indians’




Recently the phrase Anglo-Indian  has become a widely discussed 
topic in India. In any of the colonial countries, there are some peoples whose 
bodies have the blood of both the ruler and the ruled. This also happened during
the Mughal and Sultanate periods. The British also formed a similar group which
was later called Anglo-Indians.
The word "Anglo-Indian" is very old. The word has been used in English literature
since the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. At that time, the English who 
came to India on a ship for business were called 'East Indians' or
'Anglo-Indians'. Many of them grow bananas with swollen fingers. These
Englishmen who became the owners of large sums of money were called
In a capitalist country like England, what happens if the capitalists do not have an
influence in the parliament? These wealthy partners of the repatriated company
formed a strong lobby in Parliament. 
This is about the Anglo-Indians of the Warren Hastings era. The Anglo-Indians of
this era were not employees of the company returning to India. They are hybrid 
children of British fathers and Indian mothers. From the middle of the eighteenth 
century to the middle of the nineteenth century, thousands of white people came 
to India from Britain for both military and civilian service. 
As the British-occupied territory in the subcontinent grew, so did the British 
government. Administration Service, Railway Service, Forest Service, Police 
Service, Postal Service etc. Until the twentieth century, the British were employed
in the first class of these jobs. Many of the British officers and employees got
married and settled in this country. 
      An Anglo-Indian family;Image Source : mansfield. 

At one time British officers were encouraged to marry Indian women. Rewards 
were given by providing other opportunities including promotion after marriage. 
Queen Victoria was advised by her advisers to indulge in the creation of a 
British-Indian hybrid group in India. They thought there would be a group of 
people who would carry the blood of a British father and who would be 
well-versed in India and Indian culture. Who will undoubtedly strengthen the 
foundations of British rule. They also gave proof of their loyalty to their father's 
country during the Sepoy Rebellion.
Initially they were called 'Eurasian'. The combination of Asian mother and Euro
-pean father is therefore Eurasian. They were included as Eurasians in all the 
censuses conducted before the first decade of the twentieth century. Of course, 
at that time, citizens of many European or Central Asian countries were referred
 to as 'Eurasian'.  
The first Anglo-Indian identity was officially included in the 1911 census.According
to the 1911 census, steps were taken to include all Europeans living in Bengal as
Anglo-Indians, children of Indian mothers and British fathers or in any case. By 
the end of the second decade of the twentieth century, the number of Anglo- 
Indians was approximately twenty-five thousand. But when the Government of 
India Act of 1919 was enacted, their number in the 250-member legislature was
25! The failure of the Rule of India Act of 1919 gave rise to the Rule of India Act 
of 1935. Under this Act, 4 seats in the Legislative Assembly were reserved for 
Although this hybrid population grew up under English law, they were discrimina-
ted against in England. Although they had the ability to speak English in the 
English style, they were devalued in English land as contaminated blood. Then 
they returned to motherland India. In India they try to find employment. Is also 
successful. The then British rulers exclusively appointed Anglo Indians in a few 
places like railway service, steamer service, postal service. From generation to 
generation they continue to serve in these fields. Many started jute business. 
Some are even jockeys. Girls are involved in professions like office assistant, 
In 1897, the Calcutta Rangers Club was formed by the Anglo-Indians. The club 
became famous for its elegant, fancy, educated Anglo-Indians. Anglo-Indian 
culture is a combination of Indian and British cultures. From food to shoes, from 
hats to kitchens, the combination of the two indigenous cultures can be seen 
everywhere. Another thing to note here. That is, there is a big difference between 
the South Indian Anglo-Indian recipe and the East Indian Anglo-Indian recipe.
Anglo Indian Chicken Express;Image

Traditionally, Ripon Street in central Calcutta was a settlement of Anglo-Indians
Their ancestral home is in the broken, cracked walls of Ripon Street. Elsewhere 
you will find Anglo Indian settlements. Bow Barracks or Bow Street. The greatest 
sanctuary of present Anglo Indian culture. It is located in the middle of Boubazar 
police station from Hare Street in Kolkata. The most beautiful red brick, palace-
like infrastructure on both sides of the road will catch the eye. Huge red brick 
houses bear witness to antiquity. Like the Indian version of London's Bow Street. 
The houses are known from history to have been built as messes for British 
soldiers during the First World War. The Second World War began as soon as the
shock of the First World War subsided. Then the country was divided and the 
British left India. After the British troops left, when the Bo Barracks became empty,
a group of Anglo-Indians came up there. Despite the lack of official settlement 
documents, about 150 families are still stationed there.
      The famous Bow Barracks in Calcutta;
       Image Source:times of india.

Christmas is the main festival of Anglo-Indians as they are Christians. Christmas 
at the Bow Barracks in Kolkata is world famous. Anglo Indians from all over the 
world flock to the Bow Barracks at Christmas. The festival turned into a reunion. 
Seeing the Anglo-Indian culture of the Bo Barracks, many unknowingly say, 
'Another Calcutta in Calcutta'. 
Christmas at Bow Barracks; Image Source: pictures india

The Anglo-Indian community has become a minority community over time. Accor-
ding to the survey, there are currently 10 to 15 lakh Anglo-Indians left in the world.
Anglo Indians live not only in India or the United Kingdom, but also in Canada, 
Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. 
Pure Anglo-Indian blood is rarely found. Independent North India is a multinational
state. The concept of Indian ethnicity is growing day by day. As a result, many 
Indian families began to marry Anglo-Indian families. The same thing happened in 
other countries, including the United Kingdom. Thus the pure Anglo-Indian blood 
or culture created by the mixture of the two nations began to become more 
Although Anglo-Indians are a minority in India, they are not discriminated against. 
So far, a total of eight Air Vice Marshals have joined the Indian Air Force from 
Anglo-Indian families. One such person was Air Marshal Malcolm Woolen. 
Bengalis will always remember his contribution to the war of independence of 
 Not only in the military or legal field but also in many fields including sports, art, 
literature, many members of the Anglo-Indian family have made honest 
contributions and have been remembered forever. 





The content is rich enough for common people and the English is very easy to understand. Willing to see more works like this. Good wishes.
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